Source code for scrapereads.utils

Functional functions to process names and data.

import re
import string

    ('-', ''),
    (' ', '_'),
    ('/', ''),
    ('.', ''),
    (',', ''),
    ("'", ''),
    ("`", ''),
    ("&", ''),
    ('?', ''),
    ("!", ''),
    ('.', ''),

HTML = [
    ('<br/>', ''),
    ('<br>', ''),
    ('<i>', ''),
    ('</i>', ''),
    ('<b>', ''),
    ('</b>', ''),
    ('”', ''),
    ('“', ''),
    ('’', "'"),

    (1000, 'M'),
    (900, 'CM'),
    (500, 'D'),
    (400, 'CD'),
    (100, 'C'),
    (90, 'XC'),
    (50, 'L'),
    (40, 'XL'),
    (10, 'X'),
    (9, 'IX'),
    (5, 'V'),
    (4, 'IV'),
    (1, 'I')

[docs]def name_to_goodreads(name): """Process and convert names in scrapereads format. Args: name (string): name of an author. Returns: string """ name = to_ascii(name.title()) for char in CHARS: name = name.replace(*char) return name
[docs]def num2roman(num): """Convert a number to roman's format. Args: num (int): number to convert. Returns: string """ roman = '' while num > 0: for i, r in ROMAN_MAP: while num >= i: roman += r num -= i return roman
ROMAN = [(f" {num2roman(k)} ", "") for k in range(2, 30)] + \ [(f" {num2roman(k).lower()} ", "") for k in range(2, 30)] ROMAN += [(f" {num2roman(k)}\n", "\n") for k in range(2, 30)] + \ [(f" {num2roman(k).lower()}\n", "\n") for k in range(2, 30)] ROMAN += [(f"\n{num2roman(k)} ", "\n") for k in range(2, 30)] + \ [(f"\n{num2roman(k).lower()} ", "\n") for k in range(2, 30)]
[docs]def clean_num(quote): """Remove romans numbers from a quote. Args: quote (string): quote. Returns: string """ for char in ROMAN: quote = quote.replace(*char) return quote
[docs]def to_ascii(text): """Convert a text to ASCII format. Args: text (string): text to process. Returns: string """ return re.sub(r'[^\x00-\x7F]+', ' ', text)
[docs]def process_quote_text(quote_text): """Clean up the text from a ``<div>`` quote element. Args: quote_text (string): quote text to clean. Returns: string """ quote_text = quote_text.replace('―', '').replace('\n\n', '\n') quote_text = quote_text[:-1] if quote_text[-1] == '\n' else quote_text for char in HTML: quote_text = quote_text.replace(*char) return quote_text
[docs]def remove_punctuation(string_punct): """Remove punctuation from a string. Args: string_punct (string): string with punctuation. Returns: string """ return string_punct.translate(str.maketrans('', '', string.punctuation))
[docs]def parse_author_href(href): """Split an href and retrieve the author's name and its key. Args: href (string): ``Good Reads`` href pointing to an author page. Returns: tuple: author's name and key. """ author_parts = href.split('/')[-1].split('.') key = author_parts[0] author_name = author_parts[1].replace('_', ' ') return author_name, key
import unidecode def serialize_list(list_raw): """Serialize a list in ASCII format, so it can be saved as a JSON. Args: list_raw (list): Returns: list """ list_serialized = [] for value in list_raw: if isinstance(value, list): list_serialized.append(serialize_list(value)) elif isinstance(value, dict): list_serialized.append(serialize_dict(value)) else: list_serialized.append(unidecode.unidecode(str(value))) return list_serialized def serialize_dict(dict_raw): """Serialize a dictionary in ASCII format so it can be saved as a JSON. Args: dict_raw (dict): Returns: dict """ dict_serialized = {} for (key, value) in dict_raw.items(): if isinstance(value, list): dict_serialized[unidecode.unidecode(str(key))] = serialize_list(value) elif isinstance(value, dict): dict_serialized[unidecode.unidecode(str(key))] = serialize_dict(value) else: dict_serialized[unidecode.unidecode(str(key))] = unidecode.unidecode(str(value)) return dict_serialized
[docs]def serialize_list(list_raw): """Serialize a list in ASCII format, so it can be saved as a JSON. Args: list_raw (list): Returns: list """ list_serialized = [] for value in list_raw: if isinstance(value, list): list_serialized.append(serialize_list(value)) elif isinstance(value, dict): list_serialized.append(serialize_dict(value)) else: list_serialized.append(unidecode.unidecode(str(value))) return list_serialized
[docs]def serialize_dict(dict_raw): """Serialize a dictionary in ASCII format so it can be saved as a JSON. Args: dict_raw (dict): Returns: dict """ dict_serialized = {} for (key, value) in dict_raw.items(): if isinstance(value, list): dict_serialized[unidecode.unidecode(str(key))] = serialize_list(value) elif isinstance(value, dict): dict_serialized[unidecode.unidecode(str(key))] = serialize_dict(value) else: dict_serialized[unidecode.unidecode(str(key))] = unidecode.unidecode(str(value)) return dict_serialized