
The requests should be made from the API. Then, you can have access to authors, books, quotes.

GoodReads API

The API uses id to search authors, books or quotes.

from scrapereads import GoodReads

# Connect to the API
goodreads = GoodReads()
# Examples
# Author id: 3389    -> Stephen King
#            1077326 -> J. K. Rolling
AUTHOR_ID = 3389
author = goodreads.search_author(AUTHOR_ID)

You can have access to their attributes with:

# From an Author
author_name = author.author_name
author_id = author.author_id

# From a Book
author_name = book.author_name
author_id = book.author_id
book_name = book.book_name
book_id = book.book_id
edition = book.edition
year = book.year
ratings = book.ratings

# From a Quote
author_name = quote.author_name
author_id = quote.author_id
quote_id = quote.quote_id
text = quote.text
tags = quote.tags
likes = quote.likes

Access data

Once you have an object instance, you can retrieve data:

# From an Author
AUTHOR_ID = 3389
author = goodreads.search_author(AUTHOR_ID)
books = author.get_books(top_k=None)
quotes = author.get_quotes(top_k=None)

# From a Book
BOOK_ID = 3048970
book = goodreads.search_book(AUTHOR_ID, BOOK_ID)
quotes = book.get_quotes()


If you want to navigate through books, quotes, you may prefer using .quotes() or .books() methods, which yields items successively and thus are more optimized as all items are not loaded directly.

# From and author
author = goodreads.search_author(AUTHOR_ID)
for quote in author.quotes():
    # quote is a Quote object

From children classes (author –> book –> quote), you can retrieve data too:

author = goodreads.search_author(AUTHOR_ID)
quotes = author.get_quotes(top_k=5)
books = author.get_books(top_k=5)

# From a quote
quote = quotes[0]
book = quote.get_book()
author = quote.get_author()

# From an book
book = books[0]
author = book.get_author()

Cache System

scrapereads uses a cache system, that add dynamically data to an object while scraping. The main advantage, is that you don’t have to scrape twice. The downside however, is that cache data is first loaded, meaning that it won’t scrape online if the cache is not empty. Turn this behavior off by setting cache=False:

author = goodreads.search_author(AUTHOR_ID)
quotes = author.get_quotes(top_k=5)
# WARNING: here, it will look for books saved in the cache (books added while scraping quotes)
books = author.get_books(top_k=5)
# Turn it off, and search for books independently of the quotes (it will connect and scrape on goodreads.com)
books = author.get_books(top_k=5, cache=False)
# Search for quotes regardless of previously added quotes (it will connect and scrape on goodreads.com)
quotes = author.get_quotes(top_k=5, cache=False)

Save and export

You can save all classes with the .to_json() method. The 'ascii' argument will transforms all string to ASCII format. If you don’t want it, just remove it.

# From an author
author = goodreads.search_author(AUTHOR_ID)
author_data = author.to_json(encode='ascii')
# Or directly
author_data = goodreads.get_author(AUTHOR_ID, encode='ascii')

# From an book
book = goodreads.search_book(AUTHOR_ID, BOOK_ID)
book_data = book.to_json(encode='ascii')
# Or directly
book_data = goodreads.get_books(AUTHOR_ID, top_k=NUMBER, encode=None)

# From a quote
quote_data = quote.to_json(encode='ascii')
# Or directly
quote_data = goodreads.get_quotes(AUTHOR_ID, top_k=NUMBER, encode=None)