Source code for scrapereads.api

Simple API to connect and extract data from ``Good Reads`` servers.

from .connect import *
from .reads import Author, Book, Quote

[docs]class GoodReads: """Main API for `Good Reads` scrapping. It basically wraps ``Author``, ``Book`` and ``Quote`` classes. """ def __init__(self, verbose=False, sleep=0, user=None): super().__init__() self.set_user(user) self.set_verbose(verbose) self.set_sleep(sleep)
[docs] @staticmethod def set_user(user): """Change the user agent used to connect on internet. Args: user (string): user agent to use with urllib.request. """ set_user(user)
[docs] @staticmethod def set_verbose(verbose): """Change the log / display while surfing on internet. Args: verbose (bool): if ``True`` will display a log message each time it is connected to a page. """ set_verbose(verbose)
[docs] @staticmethod def set_sleep(sleep): """Time before connecting again to a new page. Args: sleep (float): seconds to wait. """ set_sleep(sleep)
[docs] @staticmethod def search_author(author_id): """Search an author from `Good Reads` server. Args: author_id (string): name of the author to get. Returns: Author """ author = Author(author_id) return author
[docs] @staticmethod def search_book(author_id, book_id): """Search an book from `Good Reads` server. Args: author_id (string): name of the author who made the book. book_id (string): name of the book. Returns: Book """ author = Author(author_id) return author.search_book(book_id)
[docs] @staticmethod def search_books(author_id, top_k=10): """Search books in from an author. Args: author_id (string): name of the author to get. top_k (int): number of books to retrieve. Returns: list(Book) """ author = Author(author_id) return author.get_books(top_k=top_k)
[docs] @staticmethod def search_quotes(author_id, top_k=50): """Search quotes from `Good Reads` server. Args: author_id (string): name of the author who made the quote. top_k (int): number of quotes to retrieve. Returns: Quote """ author = Author(author_id) return author.get_quotes(top_k=top_k)
@staticmethod def search_query(query): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @staticmethod def get_author(author_id, encode=None): """Get an author in a JSON format. Args: author_id (string): name of the author. encode (string): encode to ASCII format or not. Returns: dict """ author = Author(author_id) return author.to_json(encode=encode)
[docs] @staticmethod def get_quotes(author_id, top_k=10): """Get all quotes in a JSON format from an author. Args: author_id (string): name of the author to get. top_k (int): number of quotes to retrieve. Returns: list(dict) """ author = Author(author_id) quotes = [] for i, quote in enumerate(author.quotes()): quotes.append(quote.to_json()) if top_k and i + 1 >= top_k: return quotes return quotes
[docs] @staticmethod def get_books(author_id, top_k=10): """Get all books in a JSON format from an author. Args: author_id (string): name of the author to get. top_k (int): number of books to retrieve. Returns: list(dict) """ author = Author(author_id) books = [] for i, book in enumerate(author.books()): books.append(book.to_json()) if top_k and i + 1 >= top_k: return books return books